
Article For Box of Hope Program - Yuna and Co

November 18, 2019

GMIST Mahanaim

Tolerance in Diversity 

 Megaghighile - supporting, helping, respecting and loving each other. This is the motto held by the Mahanaim GMIST Church especially when dealing with prevalent racism issues today. Receiving a good amount of appreciation from the public, GMIST Mahanaim is popularly known as the church located next to the Al Muqarrabin Mosque in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta.

GMIST Mahanaim was founded by the wandering sailors of Sangihe Talaud who were longing for an anchor in Jakarta. The first worship service was held at the home of one of the members of the Shipping Service. They are members of the "Sengkanaung" foundation, which means one heart, one mind, and one soul. 

It was in 1955 when Willem F. Makaluas, the Deputy Commander of the Boarding Service and other Sangir Talaud figures, decided to build a house of worship for the Sangihe Talaud  community of Tanjung Priok. Realizing that the place used at that time was unfit to accommodate the increasing numbers of church goers, a piece of land located on Jalan Enggano was finally appointed as the official location of GMIST Mahaniam. It was inaugurated on 31 October 1957.

Up till today, a lot of people still wonder about the existence of the church right next to a mosque. Long story short, the head of the boarding house at that time who was a Muslim, asked the Shipping Service for a plot of land to build a mosque. Thus the origin of how two different houses of worship standing side by side.

For GMIST Mahanaim, the challenges of racism issues arising from outside can only be overcome by maintaining religious tolerance and good relationships with the mosque administrators. This is something that has been instilled by church planters since the beginning. 

One concrete practice : For a Muslim holiday that happens to fall on a Sunday, GMIST Mahanaim halts the 6 am church service and provides parking space for 2-wheeled vehicles dedicated to mosque worshipers. Another example, the loudspeakers of the Al-Muqqarabien mosque are not directed to the church, but towards the port. During fasting month, the church organizes a fast-breaking program together with the mosque management and distributes food (compote) for the mosque congregation and residents around Jalan Enggano

GMIST Mahanaim also serves widows who are in need. In collaboration with Yuna & Co, clothing items from the Box of Hope program will be a blessing for the community of the Widowed Mothers. GMIST Mahanaim also believes that confidence is a virtue that enables one’s potential and growth. Afterall, clothes give us comfort and self assurance, especially when we look presentable to others. Simple yet impactful, that is the goal we all hope to achieve. 

“ Do it all with love and sincerity, then what is done will have an impact on others.” - GMIST Mahanaim Representative.

Retrieved from : https://helloyuna.io/boxofhope/#/story/1

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